As the year comes to an end and we all take some time to reflect on everything that has happened it’s important to remember not to get carried away.
With drink prices being so high at bars and clubs, more than 88% of people that drink say that they pre-drink before going out. While this is seemingly a common occurrence now, this means that a lot of people don’t realise how much alcohol they have consumed and may hit them all at once. Have you ever been in the taxi or stood in a queue and all of a sudden everything from pre’s hits you all at once? This is because units of alcohol can sometimes take over one hour to process in your body and this can lead to people overdoing it when preloading before a night out. So it’s important to stay vigilant and know your limits. While a lot of people will also see this time as one to go out with a final bang, don’t exceed your limit and you won’t regret that painful hangover in the morning!
Things to look out for
While it’s tempting to want to go all out for the final night of the year, there are still many dangers that come with the night.
Staying aware of your surroundings and of your friends presences. Especially for the ladies! There’s nothing worse than having one too many and getting yourself lost in the crowd of people. Being aware of your surroundings can save some embarrassment and stress.
Avoid trying to keep up with people. Everyone has a different tolerance so you shouldn’t have to ‘keep up with anyone’. You may feel tipsy after one or two while it takes others a few more to get that buzz. Don’t feel pressured by anyone to drink more at once than you can.
Spiking is on the rise with busy clubs and bars. While looking at your drink you can sometimes see some signs that something has been popped into your beverage, and yes we all know drinks are expensive but having that one drink will give you a world of troubles. Here are some signs:
- The drink has a cloudy or foggy appearance.
- Excessive bubbles
- Sinking ice
- A change in colour
Plan your journey home!
We all know that it is especially hard to get taxis on busy nights like Christmas eve, New Year’s eve and even Halloween. This is why it’s so important to make sure that you have a way home, whether that’s pre-booking a taxi or having a designated driver. But don’t be tempted to drink and drive! If you are choosing to walk home from your local, make sure you have a pal with you or use online or phone based services such as Strut Safe or Soli. Or if you are in Leeds City Centre on New Years Eve find the Women’s Night Safe Space at the Corn Exchange from 10pm-3am
Most importantly have fun
Whether you decide to have two drinks and stop or ten across a long amount of time, with plenty of food and water in between, the trick is to make sure you’re having fun not just because of the alcohol, but with the alcohol as a nice addition. Who knows? You might discover a love for zebra drinking this New Years Eve!
By Charlotte Ollier